Enum output_mode
Defined in File output_mode.hpp
Enum Documentation
enum class rcppsw::metrics::output_mode
Defines the behavior when metrics are written out to the filesystem.
enumerator ekNONE
Metrics are not written out ever. Like seriously ever.
enumerator ekAPPEND
Each time metrics are written out, they are appended to the same file. This is suitable for metric collectors that output data for a set of one dimensional signals. Only valid for fil_sink based sinks.
enumerator ekTRUNCATE
Each time metrics are written out, the output file is truncated and the header re-written with the current data. Suitable for metric collectors that output a single two dimensional signal as a cumulative average (that is, each time the signal is written out, it is a cumulative average of that signal up to that point in time). Only valid for file_sink based sinks.
enumerator ekCREATE
Each time metrics are written out, a new output file is created with the header and the current data, with the current timestep being added to the name stem for the output file in order to guarantee uniqueness of output files. Suitable for metric collectors for signals of any dimensionality where post-processing to create a set of images/movie illustrating how the signal changes over time is desired. Only valid for file_sink based sinks.
enumerator ekSTREAM
Each time metrics are written out, they are sent directly to the network socket/stream/whatever. Only valid for network_sink based sinks.
enumerator ekNONE