Program Listing for File graph.hpp
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#pragma once
* Includes
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>
#include "rcppsw/rcppsw.hpp"
#include "rcppsw/math/vector3.hpp"
* Namespaces/Decls
namespace rcppsw::ds::graph::detail {
template <typename TBGLGraphType>
using find_result_type = typename std::add_pointer<
decltype(std::declval<TBGLGraphType>().operator[](std::declval<typename TBGLGraphType::vertex_descriptor>()))
} /* namespace detail */
* Templates
template <typename TBGLGraphType>
static inline auto vertices(const TBGLGraphType& g) -> decltype(boost::vertices(std::declval<const TBGLGraphType>())) {
return boost::vertices(g);
template <typename TBGLGraphType>
static inline auto vertex_properties(const TBGLGraphType& g) {
auto bundle_map = boost::get(boost::vertex_bundle, g);
auto accessor = [&bundle_map](typename TBGLGraphType::vertex_descriptor vd) -> auto&{
return bundle_map[vd];
return boost::vertices(g) | boost::adaptors::transformed(accessor);
template <typename TBGLGraphType>
static inline auto out_edges(const TBGLGraphType& g,
const typename TBGLGraphType::vertex_descriptor& v) {
return boost::out_edges(v, g);
template <typename TBGLGraphType>
static inline auto out_degree(const TBGLGraphType& g,
const typename TBGLGraphType::vertex_descriptor& v) {
return boost::out_degree(v, g);
template <typename TBGLGraphType>
static inline auto target(const TBGLGraphType& g,
const typename TBGLGraphType::edge_descriptor& e) {
return boost::target(e, g);
template <typename TBGLGraphType>
static inline auto adjacent_vertices(const TBGLGraphType& g,
typename TBGLGraphType::vertex_descriptor v) {
return boost::adjacent_vertices(v, g);
template <typename TBGLGraphType>
static inline auto add_vertex(TBGLGraphType& g) {
return boost::add_vertex(g);
template <typename TBGLGraphType>
static inline auto remove_vertex(TBGLGraphType& g,
typename TBGLGraphType::vertex_descriptor v) {
return boost::remove_vertex(v, g);
template <typename TBGLGraphType>
static inline auto add_edge(TBGLGraphType& g,
typename TBGLGraphType::vertex_descriptor u,
typename TBGLGraphType::vertex_descriptor v) {
return boost::add_edge(u, v, g);
template <typename TBGLGraphType, typename TCoordType>
static inline boost::optional<typename TBGLGraphType::vertex_descriptor> find(
const TBGLGraphType& g, const TCoordType& c) {
auto [v_i, v_end] = boost::vertices(g);
/* std::find_if does not seem to work with filtered_graph objects... */
for (auto it = v_i; it != v_end; ++it) {
if (g[*it].coord == c) {
return boost::make_optional(*it);
} /* (it...) */
return boost::none;
template <typename TBGLGraphType>
static inline bool contains(const TBGLGraphType& g, const rmath::vector3z& c) {
return boost::none != rdgraph::find(g, c);
template <typename TBGLGraphType>
static inline size_t n_vertices(const TBGLGraphType& g) {
return boost::num_vertices(g);
} /* namespace rcppsw::ds::graph */