Setting Up COSM

User Setup

  1. Install/Setup Dependencies

    • RCPPSW user setup

  2. Install COSM package(s).

Developer Setup

  1. COSM uses LIBRA so go to ln-libra-req and install any needed packages.

  2. Setup COSM’s dependencies (packages is fine, unless you’ll be modifying the dependencies too):

    • RCPPSW user setup

  3. Clone COSM and init LIBRA:

    git clone
    cd cosm
    git submodule update --init --remote --recursive
  4. Build COSM. From the root of the repo:

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake <ARGS> ..

    <ARGS> is a list of cmake arguments.


    COSM and LIBRA output VERY thorough summaries of their build configuration, so check them to make sure you are building what you think you are.

    You can pass any option as part of <ARGS> that LIBRA supports (see ln-libra-capabilities). In addition, you must specify what platform+agent type you will built COSM for via COSM_BUILD_FOR. Options are as follows (see Supported Platforms and Hardware for details):

    Platform+Hardware/Agent Model

    COSM_BUILD_FOR value

    ARGOS Foot-bot


    ARGoS Drone


    ARGoS E-puck


    ARGoS Pi-puck


    Extended TURTLEBOT3 with ROS


    Some example build commands and their meaning:



    cmake \

    Build for the ARGoS foot-bot, development build with default event reporting/logging (inherited from RCPPSW).

    cmake \

    Build for the ARGoS foot-bot, optimized build with no event reporting.

    cmake \

    Build for the ARGoS drone, development build with default event reporting, installing to a different location.