Class boid
Defined in File boid.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
public cosm::subsystem::base_saa_subsystem
(Class base_saa_subsystem)
Class Documentation
class boid
Interface representing an entity upon which kinematic forces can act (i.e. any class that wants to use the capf2D::apf_manager must conform to this interface).
Subclassed by cosm::subsystem::base_saa_subsystem
Public Functions
boid(void) = default
virtual ~boid(void) = default
virtual double max_velocity(void) const = 0
Should return the magnitude of the maximum velocity of the entity. This can vary in time, if desired.
virtual ckin::odometry odometry(void) const = 0
Should return the odometry of the entity.
boid(void) = default