Class dispatcher

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public rer::client< dispatcher >

Class Documentation

class dispatcher : public rer::client<dispatcher>

Dispatches call to distribute blocks (or a single block), as configured in simulation input file.

  • Single and dual source distribution assumes left-right rectangular arena.

  • Power law, quad source, random distribution assume square arena.

Public Functions

dispatcher(cads::arena_grid *grid, const rtypes::discretize_ratio &resolution, const config::block_dist_config *config)
dispatcher(const dispatcher&) = delete
inline const std::string &dist_type(void)
inline const rmath::rangez &distributable_cellsx(void) const
inline const rmath::rangez &distributable_cellsy(void) const
dist_status distribute_block(crepr::sim_block3D *block)

Distribute a block in the arena.


block – The block to distribute.


TRUE iff distribution was successful, FALSE otherwise.

dist_status distribute_blocks(cds::block3D_vectorno &blocks)

Distribute all blocks in the arena.


TRUE iff distribution was successful, FALSE otherwise.

inline base_distributor *distributor(void)
inline const base_distributor *distributor(void) const
bool initialize(carena::base_arena_map *map, const cds::const_spatial_entity_vector &entities, const rmath::vector3d &block_bb, const cspatial::conflict_checker::map_cb_type &conflict_check, const base_distributor::dist_success_cb_type &dist_success, rmath::rng *rng)

Initialize the selected block distributor. This is a separate function, rather than happening in the constructor, so that error handling can be done without exceptions.

  • entities – The entities that (might) need to be avoided when clusters are initialized.

  • block_bb – A bounding box large enough to hold any block in the arena.


TRUE if initialization successful, FALSE otherwise.

dispatcher &operator=(const dispatcher&) = delete

Public Static Attributes

static const std::string kDistDualSrc = "dual_source"
static const std::string kDistPowerlaw = "powerlaw"
static const std::string kDistQuadSrc = "quad_source"
static const std::string kDistRandom = "random"
static const std::string kDistSingleSrc = "single_source"