Class block_cluster_metrics
Defined in File block_cluster_metrics.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public rmetrics::base_metrics
Derived Type
public cosm::foraging::repr::block_cluster
(Class block_cluster)
Class Documentation
class block_cluster_metrics : public rmetrics::base_metrics
Defines the metrics to be collected from cfrepr::block_cluster objects.
Metrics should be collected every timestep.
Subclassed by cosm::foraging::repr::block_cluster
Public Functions
block_cluster_metrics(void) = default
~block_cluster_metrics(void) override = default
virtual rtypes::type_uuid id(void) const = 0
Return the UUID of the cluster.
virtual size_t n_blocks(void) const = 0
Return the total # of blocks within the specified cluster this timestep.
virtual rmath::vector2d ranchor2D(void) const = 0
The real-valued anchor point of the custer.
virtual rmath::ranged xrspan(void) const = 0
The extent of the cluster in X (NOT the dimensions).
virtual rmath::ranged yrspan(void) const = 0
The extent of the cluster in Y (NOT the dimensions).
block_cluster_metrics(void) = default