Class base_entity
Defined in File base_entity.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Type
public cosm::repr::spatial_entity
(Class spatial_entity)
Class Documentation
class base_entity
A base class from which all entities that can be represented in the arena derive.
Subclassed by cosm::repr::spatial_entity
Public Functions
base_entity(const base_entity&) = default
inline explicit base_entity(const rtypes::type_uuid &id)
inline base_entity(void)
virtual ~base_entity(void) = default
inline void id(const rtypes::type_uuid &id)
Set the ID of the object.
inline const rtypes::type_uuid &id(void) const
Get the ID of the object.
base_entity &operator=(const base_entity&) = default
inline void vis_id(bool b)
Set if the ID of the entity should be visualized or not if visualizations are enabled.
inline bool vis_id(void) const
Get the entity ID visualization status.
base_entity(const base_entity&) = default