Class entity3D
Defined in File entity3D.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public cosm::repr::spatial_entity3D
(Class spatial_entity3D)
Derived Types
public cosm::repr::graph3D_view_entity< TGraphType, TGraphViewType >
(Template Class graph3D_view_entity)public cosm::repr::grid3D_view_entity< TGridType, TGridViewType >
(Template Class grid3D_view_entity)public cosm::repr::gridQ3D_view_entity< TGridType, TGridViewType >
(Template Class gridQ3D_view_entity)public cosm::repr::unicell_entity3D
(Class unicell_entity3D)
Class Documentation
class entity3D : public cosm::repr::spatial_entity3D
Base class from which all arena spatial entities which can be represented in 3D derive.
Subclassed by cosm::repr::graph3D_view_entity< TGraphType, TGraphViewType >, cosm::repr::grid3D_view_entity< TGridType, TGridViewType >, cosm::repr::gridQ3D_view_entity< TGridType, TGridViewType >, cosm::repr::unicell_entity3D
Public Functions
~entity3D(void) override = default
inline rmath::vector2z danchor2D(void) const
inline rmath::vector3z danchor3D(void) const
inline rmath::vector2z dcenter2D(void) const
inline rmath::vector3z dcenter3D(void) const
inline rmath::vector2z ddims2D(void) const
inline rmath::vector3z ddims3D(void) const
inline virtual entity_dimensionality dimensionality(void) const final override
Return whether the entity is 2D or 3D.
inline rmath::vector2d ranchor2D(void) const
inline rmath::vector3d ranchor3D(void) const
inline rmath::vector2d rcenter2D(void) const
inline rmath::vector3d rcenter3D(void) const
inline rmath::vector2d rdims2D(void) const
inline rmath::vector3d rdims3D(void) const
~entity3D(void) override = default