Program Listing for File cell2D.hpp

Return to documentation for file (cosm/ds/cell2D.hpp)

#pragma once

 * Includes
#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "rcppsw/math/vector2.hpp"
#include "rcppsw/patterns/decorator/decorator.hpp"
#include "rcppsw/utils/color.hpp"

#include "cosm/fsm/cell2D_fsm.hpp"

 * Namespaces
namespace cosm::arena::repr {
class base_cache;
} /* namespace cosm::arena::repr */

namespace cosm::repr {
class sim_block3D;
class spatial_entity;
} /* namespace cosm::repr */

namespace cosm::ds {

 * Class Definitions
class cell2D final : public rpdecorator::decorator<fsm::cell2D_fsm> {

  /* Must be copy constructible to be able to use in \ref arena_grid */
  cell2D(const cell2D&) = default;
  cell2D& operator=(const cell2D&) = delete;

  bool operator==(const cell2D& other) const { return other.loc() == m_loc; }

  fsm::cell2D_fsm& fsm(void) { return decoratee(); }
  const fsm::cell2D_fsm& fsm(void) const { return decoratee(); }

  /* state inquiry */
  RCPPSW_DECORATE_DECLDEF(state_is_known, const)
  RCPPSW_DECORATE_DECLDEF(state_has_block, const)
  RCPPSW_DECORATE_DECLDEF(state_has_cache, const)
  RCPPSW_DECORATE_DECLDEF(state_in_block_extent, const)
  RCPPSW_DECORATE_DECLDEF(state_in_cache_extent, const)
  RCPPSW_DECORATE_DECLDEF(state_is_empty, const)
  RCPPSW_DECORATE_DECLDEF(state_in_nest_extent, const)

  void reset(void) {
    m_entity = nullptr;

  RCPPSW_DECORATE_DECLDEF(block_count, const);

  void entity(repr::spatial_entity* entity) { m_entity = entity; }
  repr::spatial_entity* entity(void) const { return m_entity; }
  repr::spatial_entity* entity(void) { return m_entity; }

  void loc(const rmath::vector2z& loc) { m_loc = loc; }
  const rmath::vector2z& loc(void) const { return m_loc; }

  const rutils::color& color(void) const { return m_color; }
  void color(const rutils::color& color) { m_color = color; }

  crepr::sim_block3D* block3D(void) const RCPPSW_PURE;
  crepr::sim_block3D* block3D(void) RCPPSW_PURE;

  carepr::base_cache* cache(void) const RCPPSW_PURE;
  carepr::base_cache* cache(void) RCPPSW_PURE;

  /* clang-format off */
  repr::spatial_entity* m_entity{nullptr};
  rmath::vector2z       m_loc{};
  rutils::color         m_color{rutils::color::kWHITE};
  /* clang-format on */

} /* namespace cosm::ds */