Struct bi_tab_metrics_data_impl

Struct Documentation

struct bi_tab_metrics_data_impl

Public Members

ral::mt_size_t no_partition_count = {0}

# Times partitioning was not employed when allocating a task.

ral::mt_size_t partition_count = {0}

# Times partitioning was employed when allocating a task,

ral::mt_double_t partition_prob = {0.0}

The average partitioning probability of the root task in the TAB.

ral::mt_size_t subtask1_count = {0}

# Times subtask 1 was chosen if partitioning was employed.

ral::mt_size_t subtask2_count = {0}

# Times subtask 2 was chosen if partitioning was employed.

ral::mt_double_t subtask_sel_prob = {0.0}

The average subtask selection probability of the root task in the TAB.

ral::mt_size_t task_depth_sw_count = {0}

# Times when task allocation resulted in a task of a different depth being executed than previous.

ral::mt_size_t task_sw_count = {0}

# Times when task allocation resulted in a different task being executed.