Swarm Manager XML Configuration

The following root XML tags are defined for swarm management:

Root XML Tag



Parameters for logging simulation metrics/results.


Parameters for computing swarm convergence.


Parameters for the 2D arena/foraging.


Parameters for temporally varying swarm operating conditions.


Parameters for visualizing robots in various ways during simulation.


Parameters for providing perfect information to the swarm during simulation.


  • Required by: all controllers.

  • Required child attributes if present: all.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

  • output_root - The root output directory in which the directories of different simulation runs will be placed. The path specified can be relative or absolute, and will be created if it does not exist.

  • output_dir - The output directory for the current simulation under output_root. If you put the special field __current_date__ here, the simulation will get a unique output directory in the form YYYY-MM-DD:HH-MM.


  • Required by: all controllers.

  • Required child attributes if present: [ output_dir ].

  • Required child tags if present: [ sinks ].

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

  • output_dir - Name of directory within the output root that metrics will be placed in.


  • Required by: all controllers.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: [ csv ].

XML configuration:

  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: [ append, create, truncate ].

XML configuration:


  • output_interval - Required for all child tags. For append, this defines the timestep interval after which metrics will be written out (appended) to the specified .csv created from the provided stem. For create, this defines timestep interval after which metrics will be written out to a NEW .csv file with a unique timestep tag after the provided stem. For truncate, this defines the timestep interval after which metrics will be written out to a truncated .csv created from the provided stem; that is, each time they are output the results of the previously written out metrics are lost.

What collectors can be added under what child tag (id,filename) pairs is defined in the table below . Not defining them disables metric collection of the given type for that category.


Enabling metric collection of the given type does not necessarily guarantee that those metrics will be collected for a given simulation: the right controller/loop function functionality has to be active/enabled as well.

XML Attribute


Allowable Output Modes



Metrics capturing # robots entering, currently encountering, and exiting the inter-robot interference avoidance state.



Metrics capturing the spatial distribution of inter-robot interference locations in 2D in the arena.



Metrics capturing the spatial distribution of inter-robot interference locations in 3D in the arena.



Metrics capturing average distance traveled/velocity for different types of robot motion.



Metrics capturing # robots entering, currently in, and exiting, the nest. Average time spent in the nest and first time a robot enters the nest during simulation (for any reason).



Metrics capturing the spatial distribution of the swarm in 2D space.



Metrics capturing the spatial distribution of the swarm in 3D space.



Metrics capturing the # robots exploring for, vectoring to, and acquiring blocks.



Metrics capturing the 2D spatial distribution of where robots acquire blocks.



Metrics capturing the 2D spatial distribution of where robots explore for blocks.



Metrics capturing the 3D spatial distribution of where robots explore for blocks.



Metrics capturing the 2D spatial distribution of where robots vector to known blocks.



Metrics capturing the # blocks collected/ # transporters per block for different block types.



Metrics capturing robot behavior when transporting blocks to the nest (e.g., phototaxis).



Metrics capturing TAB task allocation probabilities/counts.



Metrics capturing the results of swarm convergence calculations.



Metrics capturing the effect of Poisson processes for governing population dynamics (e.g., robot malfunction/repair).



Metrics capturing different aspects of block distribution in general (e.g., # clusters).



Metrics capturing aspects of free block motion in the arena.



Metrics capturing the size, block count, etc. in block clusters in the arena.



Diagnostic metrics for the strategies robots can use to acquire nests in the arena.



Diagnostic metrics for robot batteries.

append, stream


  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: all.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: [ postional_entropy, task_dist_entropy, interactivity, angular_order, velocity ].

XML configuration:

  • n_threads - How many threads will be used for convergence calculations during loop functions.

  • epsilon - Threshold < 1.0 that a convergence measure will be considered to have converged when its normalized value is above.


A measure of convergence using robot positions, Shannon’s entropy definition, and Balch2000’s social entropy measure. If it is defined, only the enable attribute is required. All other attributes are parsed iff enable is true.

  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: enable.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: [ horizon, horizon_delta ].

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

  • enable - If this measure is enabled or not. Very expensive to compute in large swarms.

  • horizon - A min:max pair of distances specifying the min and max spatial cluster size that will be used to compute the entropy of robot positions. Should be <= arena X,Y dimensions. Only required if enable is true.

  • horizon_delta - Step size for traversing the horizon from min to max. Only required if enable is true.


A measure of convergence using nearest neighbor distances.

  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: enable.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

  • enable - If this measure is enabled or not. Relatively cheap to compute in large swarms.

“”” angular_order

A measure of convergence using congruence of robot orientations.

  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: enable.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

  • enable - If this measure is enabled or not. Relatively cheap to compute in large swarms.


A measure of convergence using stability of robot task allocations over time.

  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: enable.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

  • enable - If this measure is enabled or not. Relatively cheap to compute in large swarms.


A measure of convergence using stability of swarm velocity (how much its geometric center moves) over time.

  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: enable.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

  • enable - If this measure is enabled or not. Relatively cheap to compute in large swarms.


  • Required by: all.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: [ grid, blocks ].

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none [ nests ].

XML configuration:



  • Required by: all.

  • Required child attributes if present: [ resolution, size ].

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

        size="X, Y"/>
  • resolution - The resolution that the arena will be represented at, in terms of the size of grid cells. Must be the same as the value passed to the robot controllers.

  • size - The size of the arena.


  • Required by: all.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: [ distribution, manifest ].

  • Optional child attributes: [ motion ]

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:



  • Required by: all.

  • Required child attributes if present: dist_type.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: [ strict_success ].

  • Optional child tags: [ redist_governor, powerlaw ].

XML configuration:

  • dist_type - The distribution model for the blocks. When blocks are distributed to a new location in the arena and made available for robots to pickup (either initially or after a block is deposited in a nest), they are placed in the arena in one of the following ways:

    • random: Placed in a random location in the arena.

    • powerlaw: Distributed according to a powerlaw.

    • single_source - Placed within an arena opposite about 90” of the way from the nest to the other side of the arena Assumes horizontal, rectangular arena with a single nest.

    • dual_source - Placed in two sources on either side of a central nest Assumes a horizontal, rectangular arena, with a single nest.

    • quad_source - Placed in 4 sources at each cardinal direction in the arena. Assumes a square arena with a single nest.

  • strict_success - Do all blocks need to be successfully distributed when distribution is attempted? Useful for scripting when you need to have the same ” blocks available across a range of arena sizes, and for smaller sizes failure to distribute all blocks is OK.

  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: trigger.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: [ recurrence_policy, timestep, block_count ].

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

  • disable_trigger - The trigger for (possibly) stopping block redistribution:

    • none - Disables the governor. Whatever the initial state is, it will not change.

    • timestep - Blocks will be redistributed until the specified

      timestep. This trigger type can be used with the [ latch ] recurrence policy.

    • block_count - Blocks will be redistributed until the specified ” of blocks have been collected. This trigger type can be used with the latch recurrence policy.

    • convergence - Blocks will be redistributed until the swarm has converged. This trigger type can be used with the latch, multi recurrence policies.

  • recurrence_policy - The policy for determining how block redistribution status can change as the simulation progresses.

    • latch - Once the specified trigger is tripped, then block redistribution will stop permanently.

    • multi - Blocks will be redistributed as long as the specified trigger has not been tripped. Once it has been tripped, block distribution will stop until the trigger is no longer tripped, in which case it will resume.

  • timestep - The timestep to stop block redistribution at. Only required if disable_trigger is timestep.

  • block_count - The collection count to stop block redistribution at. Only required if disable_trigger is block_count.

  • redistribute - Should blocks be redistributed initially? If false, then all other configuration is optional and ignored.

  • Required by: all.

  • Required child attributes if present: At least one of [ n_cube, n_ramp ], unit_dimm.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: At most one of [ n_cube, n_ramp ].

XML configuration:

  • n_cube - ” Cube blocks that should be used.

  • n_ramp - ” Ramp blocks that should be used.

  • unit_dim - Unit dimension of blocks. Cubes are 1x1 of this, ramps are 2x1 of this.

  • Required by: all iff dist_type is powerlaw.

  • Required child attributes if present: [ pwr_min, pwr_max, n_clusters ].

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

  • pwr_min - Minimum power of 2 for cluster sizes.

  • pwr_max - Maximum power of 2 for cluster sizes.

  • n_clusters - Max ” of clusters the arena.

  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: policy.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: [ random_walk_prob ].

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

  • policy - If the <motion> tag is present, how should blocks move in the arena ?

    • random_walk - Block motion is a pure random walk which is executed on each block each timestep with probability random_walk_prob.

  • random_walk_prob - The probability to perform a random walk for a block on a timestep. Only required if policy is random_walk. Must be >= 0 and <= 1.0.


  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: [ nest ].

XML configuration:

  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: [ dims, center ].

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

    <nest dims="X, Y"
          center="X, Y"/>
    <nest dims="X, Y"
          center="X, Y"/>
  • dims - The dimensions of the nest. Must be specified in a tuple like so: 0.5, 0.5.

  • center - Location for center of the nest (nest is a square). Must be specified in a tuple like so: 1.5, 1.5.


  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: [ env_dynamics, population_dynamics ].

XML configuration:



  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: [ blocks, motion_throttle ].

Subsections in this section make use of the waveform XML configuration block:

  • type - The type of the waveform. none disables the waveform.

Other parameters are self explanatory. phase is specified in radians.

XML configuration:



  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

        <!-- [waveform config] -->
  • Waveform - Parameters defining the waveform of the robot motion throttle which is applied regardless of whether or not they are carrying a block.

  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

        <!-- [waveform config] -->
  • Waveform - Parameters defining the waveform of block manipulation penalty (picking up/dropping that does not involve caches).

  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

        <!-- [waveform config] -->
  • Waveform - Parameters defining the waveform of block carry penalty (how much slower robots move when carrying a block).


  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: [ birth_mu, death_lambda , repair_lambda, repair_mu ].

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:


All parameters have the default values shown above if omitted.

  • birth_mu - Parameter for pure birth Poisson process describing the rate at which new robots will be introduced into the simulation, up to max_size robots.

  • death_lambda - Parameter for pure death Poisson process describing the rate at which existing robots will be permanently removed from simulation.

  • repair_lambda - Parameter for general birth-death Poisson process describing the rate at which robots will be temporarily removed from simulation in order to simulate being repaired (i.e. added to repair queue).

  • repair_mu - Parameter for general birth-death Poisson process describing the rate at which robots which have been temporarily removed from the simulation will be restored (i.e. removed from repair queue).

  • max_size - The maximum swarm size achievable using the pure birth process.


  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: none.

  • Optional child tags: [ tasking_oracle, entities_oracle ].

XML configuration:



  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: [ task_exec_ests, task_interface_ests ].

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:


All attributes default as shown above if omitted.

  • task_exec_ests - If enabled, then this will inject perfect estimates of task execution time based on the performance of the entire swarm into each robot when it performs task allocation.

  • task_interface_ests - If enabled, then this will inject perfect estimates of task interface time based on the performance of the entire swarm into each robot when it performs task allocation.


  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: [ blocks, caches ].

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:

  • blocks - Inject perfect knowledge of all block locations into the swarm every timestep.

  • caches - Inject perfect knowledge of all cache locations into the swarm every timestep.


  • Required by: none.

  • Required child attributes if present: none.

  • Required child tags if present: none.

  • Optional child attributes: [ robot_id, robot_los, robot_task, block_id ].

  • Optional child tags: none.

XML configuration:


Omitted attributes default to the values shown above.

  • robot_id - If true, robot id is displayed above each robot during simulation. Default if omitted: false.

  • robot_los - If true, each robot’s approximate line of sight is displayed as a red wireframe square during simulation. Only applicable to MDPO controllers. Default if omitted: false.

  • robot_task - If true, the current task each robot is executing is displayed above it. Default if omitted: false.

  • block_id - If true, each block’s id displayed above it during simulation. Default if omitted: false.