Enum diagnostics
Defined in File diagnostics.hpp
Enum Documentation
enum cosm::hal::actuators::diagnostics
Different types of things that robots can signal in some way (e.g., via LEDs) to give insight into their internal state when debugging.
enumerator ekEXPLORE
A robot is exploring for something.
enumerator ekSUCCESS
A robot has successfully finished something.
enumerator ekTAXIS
A robot is taxiing somewhere.
enumerator ekLEAVING_NEST
A robot is leaving the nest.
enumerator ekWAIT_FOR_SIGNAL
A robot is wait for a signal.
enumerator ekVECTOR_TO_GOAL
A robot has a goal and is moving towards it.
A robot is experiencing interference.
enumerator ekMAX
enumerator ekEXPLORE