Python Development Guide

Coding Style

Strive to follow existing style guides. Linters such as Ruff will ensure these guidelines are followed, so take advantage of them!

  • PEP8 is the universally recognized Python style guide. Follow PEP8 first – if this document conflicts with PEP8, follow PEP8 and notify the team of the conflict.

  • PEP484 describes guidelines for using type hints. All Python code should have type hints; using strict typing makes Python code easier to use and reduces assumptions. Our projects should validate the type hints with pytype.

  • Google Python Style Guide includes information not covered in PEP8, such as docstring and import guidelines. Follow this when something isn’t covered by PEP8 or this guide.


  • All source files should have the exact license text (e.g., GNU GPLv3), or an abbreviated version and a pointer to full license text (e.g., Copyright Foo Corp blah blah blah. See for details).

Project Structure

  • When starting a python project, consider using the Python Project Template. This contains all of the boilerplate structure to generate an installable python package that can be installed and referenced by other projects.

  • Python projects should be structured in a way that it can be collected and installed as a Python Package. We should strive to reuse as much Python code as possible – copy-pasted code causes issues with maintainability. Structuring Python projects this way allows them to be installed and used by other repositories.

  • Projects should include one top-level package (but can contain sub-packages within that package). Following a principle of one repository, one package makes it easier to track what package ties to what code base.

  • Dependencies needed for development should be included in the requirements.txt file. This makes it easy for developers to set up a virtual environment (python3 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate and install the packages needed to develop the software (pip install -r requirements.txt)

  • Runtime dependences should be included in the pyproject.toml file This will ensure runtime dependencies are installed when the package is installed with pip.

  • Use the hatch framework to manage project versioning and release builds. Hatch seems to have fewer issues interacting with pyproject.toml files compared to setuptools.

  • Public classes and functions should be included in’s __all__ list. This provides an easy way to see a module’s public interfaces. For example:

    from receiver_automated_test import tlv, message, configuration, receiver, template
    # Define the public API of this module here
    __all__ = ["receiver", "template", "configuration", "message", "tlv"]
  • Files that are intended to be executed from the command line should put all executable code behind a if __name__ == "__main__": statement.

Pythonic Style

“Ask for forgiveness, not permission”

Python has a robust exception/handler framework; instead of testing if an operation can be performed, simply perform the operation and catch an exception if necessary. Not only does this make the code usable in typical Python style, but it allows unhandled errors to be easily identifiable.

    with open(nonexistant_file, 'r') as fpt:
        data =
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("File does not exist.")
    data = ""

Use exceptions, do not return pass/fail status

Extending on the above, don’t use error codes to return the status of a function call. Use an exception, and let the caller either catch the error or let the exception bubble up. Assume function calls are successful if they do not raise an exception.

if key in my_dict:
    raise ValueError(f"{key} already exists in 'my_dict'")

Unpack Command Line Arguments When They are Received

Command line arguments should be immediately unpacked and passed to relevant functions. Passing an args object into functions results in code that can’t be reused and violates type hint rules.

def foo(bar: bar_package.Bar):
    # Interact with Bar directly; easily reusable function

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('bar_name', type=bar_package.Bar)
    args = parser.parse_args()

Iterating through Lists

# Don't do this
for i in range(len(my_list)):

# Do this instead
for item in my_list:

# Or this, if you need the index
for index, item in enumerate(my_list):
    print(f"Item #{index} is {item}")

# To see if an item exists in a list...
if item in my_list:
    print(f"item {item} exists in my_list")

Iterating through Dictionaries

# Do this if you only need to use the keys
for key in my_dict:
    print(f"my_dict contains key {key}")

# Do this if you only need to use the values
for value in my_dict.values():
    print(f"my_dict contains value {value}")

# Do this if you need to use keys and values
for key, value in my_dict.items():
    print(f"Key {key} contains value {value}")


When importing stuff, don’t import classes directly, because:

  1. Class names can get pretty long, while module/package names are generally short

  2. It is EXTREMELY helpful to people unfamiliar with a code base looking at a file to be able to attach a semantically meaningful namespace to the class name via mymodule.MyClass.

  3. You can have the same class name in multiple modules imported and used in a single .py file without conflict. This is particularly helpful with “trampoline” classes which dispatch things from a common entry point to a selected implementation of something.

import pathlib
import typing
from unittest import mock

Naming Conventions

  • Use the recommended naming conventions for classes, variables, files, etc.

  • Don’t use smurf naming: When almost every class has the same prefix. IE, when a user clicks on the button, a SmurfAccountView passes a SmurfAccountDTO to the SmurfAccountController. The SmurfID is used to fetch a SmurfOrderHistory which is passed to the SmurfHistoryMatch before forwarding to either SmurfHistoryReviewView or SmurfHistoryReportingView. If a SmurfErrorEvent occurs it is logged by SmurfErrorLogger to ${app}/smurf/log/smurf/smurflog.log. From here. Note that this does not apply to classes with common postfixes; e.g., battery_sensor, light_sensor, etc. SmurfLog, etc.

  • Don’t put the type of the variable in the variable name (e.g., sender_list for a list). Linus was right–it _is_ brain damaged.

  • All private methods for a class start with _.


  • Don’t nest classes, unless there is a really good reason to. Generally nesting is a way to avoid doing a bunch of extra coding to create a set of classes/functions with proper encapsulation which is going to be easier to maintain anyway.

  • When laying out classes, put special methods first (e.g., __repr__), then public methods, and then private methods.

IDE Plugins


  • VSCode has official plugins for writing Python code:
    • Python

    • Python Debugger

  • VSCode has third-party plugins to help writing Python code:
    • Ruff – a plugin for the Ruff linter

  • VSCode has plugins for remote development:
    • Remote - SSH

    • WSL

Install links are available on the links page.


  • files’ docstrings should contain a description of the module.

  • All classes should have:

    • A brief

    • A detailed description for non-casual users of the class

  • All non-getter/non-setter member functions should be documentated with at least a brief, UNLESS those functions are overrides/inherited from a parent class, in which case they should be left blank (usually) and their documentation be in the class in which they are initially declared. All non-obvious parameters should be documented.

Tricky/nuanced issues with member variables should be documented, though in general the module name + class name + member variable name + member variable type should be enough documentation. If its not, chances are you are naming things somewhat obfuscatingly and need to refactor.

Function arguments should be documented using the Napoleon/Google style

Here’s a simple example of a class with docstrings:

class Environment:
  """Provides a collection of interfaces for executing receiver application tests.

     The Environment class should serve as a one-stop-shop for collections
     related to the test environment.  Receiver and TestCase objects should be
     tracked as members of this class.  Ideally, the test runner
     object/class/function will need to interact *only* with the Environment
     object, and the Environment object will set up the test and execute
     Environment by interacting with those member objects.

  def __init__(self, platform_name: str):
      self._platform_name = platform_name

  def execute_receiver_operations(self, operations: typing.List[op.Operation]):
      """Execute a set of receiver operations on the provided environment.

          operations: A list of operations to run on the receiver.
      rec = receiver.receiver_factory.from_platform_name(self._platform_name)
      for operation in operations:


All NEW classes should have some basic unit tests associated with them, when possible (one for each major public function that the class provides). For any existing classes that have new public functions added, a new unit test should also be added. Unit-tested code is significantly less likely to contain bugs, makes refactoring significantly easier, and draws attention to when code changes break assumptions about the internal operations of the software.

Use the built in unittest package to perform unit tests. Tests should be placed in a top-level directory named tests.

Use the coverage plugin to generate test coverage reports. This demonstrates how much of your code is exercised by the unit tests. Developers should strive for 100% coverage whenever possible.

Linting and Type Checking

All projects should use the following linters/analysis tools:

  • Ruff: A fast, feature-rich linter for Python. The project should contain a ruff.toml file at root level with the linter settings. Running ruff should be part of the CI pipeline. As a developer, you should use a Ruff plugin for your IDE to visually demonstrate when code isn’t following guidelines. Ruff configurations and VSCode settings are included in the Python Project Template.

  • Pytype: The project should contain a pytype.toml file at root level with the pytype settings. Pytype configurations are included wiht the Python Project Template.