How To Hook Into LIBRA

To hook into LIBRA, you define a cmake/project-local.cmake. Basically, you can put WHATEVER you want in this file–all the usual cmake stuff–drawing on predefined things in LIBRA to make your life easier. For what things LIBRA defines for you to use in this file, see below.


All cmake functions which LIBRA exposes are prefixed with libra_; all other functions should be considered not part of the API can can change at any time.


Most variables of the form LIBRA_XX detailed in LIBRA Capabilities can be permanently set in your project-local.cmake, but not all. Exceptions are:


LIBRA also provides the following additional variables which can be used:

  • ${PROJECT_NAME}_CHECK_LANGUAGE - Defines the language that the different static analysis checkers will use for checking the project. This should be specified BEFORE any subdirectories, external projects, etc. are specified. Only used if LIBRA_ANALYSIS is enabled. If used, value must be one of:

    • C

    • CXX

    • CUDA

  • ${PROJECT_NAME}_C_SRC - Glob containing all C source files.

  • ${PROJECT_NAME}_CXX_SRC - Glob containing all C++ source files.

  • ${PROJECT_NAME}_CUDA_SRC - Glob containing all CUDA source files.

  • ${PROJECT_NAME}_C_HEADERS - Glob containing all C header files.

  • ${PROJECT_NAME}_CXX_HEADERS - Glob containing all C++ header files.

Build and Run-time Diagnostics

LIBRA provides a number of functions/macros to simplify the complexity of cmake, and answer questions such as “am I really building/running what I think I am?”. Some useful functions available in project-local.cmake are:

  • libra_config_summary() - Will print a nice summary of its variables to the terminal. Helps debug the inevitable “Did I actually set the variable I thought I did?”. Using this, you can see EXACTLY what variable values will be when you invoke your chosen build engine. You can put it at the end of project-local.cmake if you want; otherwise LIBRA will run it at the end of the configure step.

  • libra_config_summary_prepare_fields() - Given a list of the configurable fields in a project as strings, define a set of new variables, one per field, with the prefix EMIT_. The value of each new variable will be right padded with spaces so that any extra stuff on each line when the variables are shown to the user is aligned. See libra_config_summary() for an example of what this looks like.

  • libra_configure_version(INFILE OUTFILE SRC) - Use build information from LIBRA to populate a source file of your choosing which you can then print out when your library loads/application starts as a sanity check during debugging that you are running what you think you are. LIBRA automatically adds this file to the provided list of files (SRC) which will ultimately be compiled for the project.

    Available LIBRA Cmake variables for population by cmake in your source file are:

    • LIBRA_GIT_REV - git SHA of the current tip; result of git log --pretty-format:%H -n 1.

    • LIBRA_GIT_DIFF - Indicate if the build is “dirty”; i.e., if it contains local changes not in git. Result of git diff --quiet --exit-code || echo +.

    • LIBRA_GIT_TAG - The current git tag for the git rev, if any; result of git describe --exact-match --tags.

    • LIBRA_GIT_BRANCH - The current git branch, if any; result of git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD.

    • LIBRA_C_FLAGS_BUILD - The configured C compiler flags relevant for building (e.g., no -W flags) .

    • LIBRA_CXX_FLAGS_BUILD - The configured C compiler flags relevant for building (e.g., no -W flags) .


If your code is not in a git repository, then all of the above fields will be stubbed out and not very useful.

You can also put whatever cmake variables you want to in there as well (e.g., CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE).


  • libra_configure_exports_as(TARGET PREFIX) - Configure the exports for a TARGET to be installed at PREFIX such that it can be used by other projects via find_package().

  • libra_register_extra_configs_for_install(TARGET FILE PREFIX) - Configure additional .cmake files for export. Useful if your project provides some reusable cmake functionality that you want child projects to also be able to access.

  • libra_register_headers_for_install(DIRECTORY PREFIX) - Register all headers (.h or .hpp) under DIRECTORY to be installed at PREFIX and associated with the necessary exports file so child projects can find it.

  • libra_register_target_for_install(TARGET PREFIX) - Register TARGET to be installed at PREFIX, and associated with the necessary exports file so child projects can find it.


  • libra_configure_cpack(GENERATORS DESCRIPTION VENDOR HOMEPAGE CONTACT) - Configure CPack to run the list of GENERATORS (if more than 1, must be separated by ;) via make package. Can be:

    • TGZ - A tarball.

    • DEB - A Debian archive.

    This function respects CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME if it is set prior to calling. Otherwise CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME is set to ${PROJECT_NAME}-${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION}-${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}.

TGZ Generator Notes

  • The DESCRIPTION, VENDOR, HOMEPAGE, CONTACT fields are ignored.

DEB Generator Notes

  • .deb packages are set to always install into /usr, unless CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY is set prior to calling libra_configure_cpack().