C++ Development Guide

In terms of coding style, many aspects are pulled from the CppCoreGuidelines, though there are many parts which are ignored.

In general, follow the Google C++ style guide (unless something below contradicts it, then go with what is below).


These are higher-level stylistic advice which has been hard-fought and hard-won. Ignore them at your peril; read: FOLLOW THEM.

  1. Thou shalt include configurable debugging/logging statements in thy code. Thy statements shall be subject to conditional compilation to turn off/on in release/debug builds, as well as configurable the verbosity of the logger for each class/module/whatever can be turned changed independently.

    Rationale: Having good logging statements which can be compiled in/out and turned on/off in a fine-grained way will make your life MUCH easier in the future when you need to debug difficult problems.

  2. Thy debugging/logging statements shall be of sufficient quality that NO ADDITIONAL printf() statements are required to debug ANY problem in the code.

    Rationale: When other people use your code and find bugs in it, having a strong set of logging messages available to enable/disable makes it MUCH easier to triage and fix problems, because users won’t have to wait for you to push code with more debugging statements added to try and replicate the issue–they will just have to edit a config file and re-run.

  3. Thou shalt strive to make thy code “correct by construction”. This includes:

    • Restrict the use of thy templated classes to types for which the operations of the class are well defined, by doing one or more of:

      • Using SFINAE on functions/classes.

      • Separating thy templated classes into header and source files so that the instantiations of thy classes are restricted to those thou defines in thy source files.

      • Use of static_assert() to check template requirements at compile time.

    • Putting assert() statements throughout thy code (probably in a macro with a logging statement which is triggered on failure). These statements can be easily compiled away in release builds, AND give thou confidence that when thy code is running without crashing, it is running correctly.

    • Using interfaces to FORCE your code to logically and semantically fit together. See Interlocking Interfaces below for more details.

    • Not using friend, or mutable.

    • Concepts (if using C++20 or later).

    • Using function pre/post condition checking to avoid the “garbage in garbage out” issue.

    • Writing small functions which do ONE THING, to reduce the probability of logic errors.

    • Force link-time errors of undefined variables/functions in dynamic libraries, rather than waiting until run-time. E.g., passing -Wl,--no-undefined consistently to the linker.

  4. Thou shalt write thy code using only pure conditions–those without side effects such as assigning values, throwing exceptions, interacting with I/O, etc., so that thy program’s logic is clear and its behavior unobscured by secondary actions.

Principles For Clean Code

These are principles, not commandments, because you probably won’t be able to follow them everywhere, but you should try to follow them in as many places as you can.

  1. Embrace The Power Of Brevity

    Limit your functions to no more than 10 lines of code. This encourages you to extract methods, promoting more readable and maintainable code.

  2. Mutually Exclusive Call Or Pass

    Your functions should either call methods on an object or pass it on as an argument, but not both. This encourages you to write methods which maintain a single level of abstraction within each method, promoting more readable and maintainable code. That is:

    bool check_for_bar(MyObject& obj1) {
       if (obj1.bar()) {
        return true;
       return false;
    void bad_func1(MyObject& obj1) {
      if (check_for_bar(obj1) ) {
      for (auto& s: obj1.subobjects()) {
        if (s.fizz()) {


    • Visually there are two functions to parse, and you have look at multiple abstraction contexts to figure out the execution flow.

    • This example relies on member functions with side effects which are hidden at the level of bad_func1(). You could argue that that could be fixed with a better name for check_for_bar() such as reset_on_bar(), and that helps, but the side-effect problem is still present. Generally speaking, the more “pure” functions you write, the better off you are.

  3. If Only At The Start of Functions

    Position all if statements at the start of functions to determine state, check data integrity, etc. This minimizes nested logic and clarifies the decision making process within functions, making code more intuitive and straightforward by streamlining the logic within functions: once all decisions have been made about what to do, the actual code to do the thing is just a series of procedural statements.

  4. Never Use if With else

    Don’t use if with else in order to avoid the complexity of if-else labyrinths which we have all seen. clang-tidy can check for this. To illustrate this, look at the “Not Using The Principle” tab of the previous item, which contains a LOT of if/else blocks and complex logic. The Evaluate() function in the “Using The Principle” rewrite is much simpler, because it returns after each if() condition.

  5. Minimize Use of switch()

    All switch() statements:

    • Should contain no default case.

    • Should contain no fall-through cases

    • The contain a return/function call in every case.

    This helps to avoid subtle bugs and maintenance headaches.

  6. Only Inherit From Interfaces

    Inheriting from classes containing only pure virtual functions (not base classes!) strongly encourages composition over inheritance, which is a major factor in code scalability and coupling, or lack thereof.

  7. No Interfaces With A Single Implementation

    That is, if you are creating a new abstraction in the codebase, and it will only have a single implementation, does the abstraction provide more clarity or mental clutter? This principle helps to ensure appropriate design choices, and to seek simplicity and necessity in your architectural decisions.

  8. Embrace the Law of Demeter

    The The Law Of Demeter states that:

    • You should not use getters or setters

    • Objects should avoid accessing internal data of other objects, and only communicate with similar objects. As an example, consider std::vector. Instead of directly exposing the raw storage it manages, std::vector generally only exposes behavioral functions, rather than accesors/mutators.

    This emphasizes a behavioral approach to class design, reducing dependencies and increasing encapsulation. Supports the Transparency Principle.

Basic Coding Style


  • All source files should have either:

    • An abbreviated version of the license text and a pointer to full license text (e.g., Copyright Foo Corp blah blah blah. See LICENSE.md for details).

    • An SDPX identifier; e.g., SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT.

  • All C source files have the .c extension, and all header files have the .h, to clearly distinguish them from C++ code, and not to confuse the tools used to parse them, such as clang tooling.

    Rationale: Principle of Least Surprise.

  • All C++ source files have the .cpp extension, and all header files have the .hpp, to clearly distinguish them from C code, and not to confuse the tools used to parse them, such as clang tooling.

    Rationale: Principle of Least Surprise.

  • All header files must be checkable standalone; that is, foo.hpp can’t depend on bar.hpp being included before it in a compilation unit for the code it contains to be syntactically correct. This supports the Transparency Principle.

    Rationale: If this isn’t the case, you have coupling, circular dependencies, etc., that shouldn’t be there.

  • Don’t use #ifndef FOO_H followed by #define FOO_H--use #pragma once instead. It is supported by all major compilers.

    Rationale: Makes header files way easier to move around without mind-numbing refactoring. Headers often need to be moved around as a library/application evolves and functionality is expanded, etc. It is also more readable:

    #pragma once
    // header file contents


    #ifndef DIR1_DIR2_DIR3_FOO_BAR_H_
    #define DIR1_DIR2_DIR3_FOO_BAR_H_
    // header file contents

    The second variant has much more visual clutter, and must be updated anytime the file is moved, even if nothing else in the header file changes.

  • Exactly one class/struct definition per .cpp/.hpp file, unless there is a very good reason to do otherwise. class/struct definitions nested within other classes/structs are exempt from this rule, but their use should still be minimized and well documented if they reside in the public part of the enclosing class.

    Rationale: Can massively reduce compilation time by eliminating redundant compilation, and makes dependencies between files/classes/etc MUCH clearer: if a file includes the header for another class, that class is a dependency. Supports the Transparency Principle.

  • If a C++ file lives under src/my_module/my_file.cpp then its corresponding include file is found under include/<repo_name>/my_module/my_file.hpp (same idea for C, but with the corresponding extensions).

    Rationale: Principle of Least Surprise, and makes it as easy as possible for people unfamiliar with the code to find stuff in it.

  • Files in #include should use "" when referencing includes within the same project/module/etc,, and ONLY use <> when you are referencing a system project; that is, a project outside of a given project/module/etc.


    • Avoids subtle/hard to find bugs if you happen to name a file the same as a “system” header, and have both parent directories on the include path.

    • Makes the intent of the code clearer.

    Consider the following example:

    #include <module_config.hpp>
    #include <common/include/lockless_ring.hpp>
    #include <common/include/observer.hpp>
    #include <common/include/pnt_burst_data.hpp>
    #include <common/include/first_class.hpp>
    #include <common/include/tlv_shared.hpp>
    #include <hal/include/tlv_hal.hpp>
    #include <pal/include/os/abstract/log.hpp>
    #include <spri/include/spri_observer.hpp>
    #include <hal/include/pnt_window_data.hpp>
    #include <spri/include/burst_detection_fifo.hpp>
    #include <spri/include/tlv_spri.hpp>
    #include <sdpm3/include/api/common/sdpm.hpp>

    Without any additional context (e.g., the moment you first open a header file), you have no idea what is local to the module the file you are looking at belongs to, and what is “external”.

Class Layout

  • Follow the Google C++ style ordering: public -> protected -> private layout, generally speaking. However, there are some cases when putting public accessors/mutators AFTER the declaration of private variables which they access/modify is required.

  • Within each access modifier section, the layout should be (in order):

    • using declarations (types or functions from base classes).

    • Type definitions.

    • Class constants (should hopefully be static constexpr const).

    • Functions.

    The choice of this ordering is somewhat arbitrary, but it is necessary to have SOME sort of ordering, and this is already how I was generally doing most classes.

  • Within the public section, the constructor, destructor, and any copy/move operators should be listed first among all the functions if they are included.

  • If a class does not need the copy/move operations, you must explicitly delete the not needed operators. Note that even though delete-ing the copy constructor+copy assignment operator will implicitly delete the move equivalents, you can get better error messages in complex template instantiation contexts if you actually delete all the not need operators, rather than rely on implicit deletion.

Data Visibility

  • Per Google C++ guidelines, all data members should be private unless there is a VERY good reason to do otherwise; for non-private data, inline documentation must be provided. Supports the Transparency Principle.

  • Don’t use this-> to access members of the current object within its own class functions, except in operatorXX().

    Rationale: Per the convention above, seeing m_mymember in a function should always refer to a member variable in the current class, not one in a parent class. So this-> only adds to the cognitive load for readers, without providing any readability benefit. In operators, because there is another object/RHS present in the scope of the function, doing e.g.:

    this->m_mymember = rhs->m_mymember;

    makes the programmer’s intent explicit, and forces you to chain operatorXX() calls through parent classes if for some reason you have a non-private member in a parent class which you want to use in an operator function.


  • Functions should be short, ideally no more than 50 lines; the maximum allowable length is inversely proportional to its complexity. E.g., a function which contains a long 500 line switch() statement is fine, while one which contains 500 lines of general logic is not.

  • If a function overrides a function in a parent class via polymorphism, mark it as such using override. Don’t use virtual, even though the compiler will accept it. If a function is intended to be the final override, use override final even though it is a little redundant.

    Rationale: Using override vs. virtual as part of the function signature makes it clear that you are overriding a virtual function in a parent class, instead of declaring a new virtual function with a default implementation.

Function Parameters

Most of these are from Herb Sutter’s excellent C++ guidelines on smart pointers here.

  • If a constructor has more than 3-5 parameters, especially if many/all of the parameters are primitive types the compiler will silently convert (e.g., double is passed where an int is expected), then the constructor should be made to take a pointer/lvalue reference/rvalue reference to a parameter struct containing the primitive members, in order to reduce the chance of subtle bugs due to silent primitive conversions if the order of two of the parameters is swapped at the call site. Supports the Transparency Principle.

  • Function inputs should use const to indicate that the parameter is input-only (& or *), and cannot be modified in the function body.

  • Function inputs should use && to indicate the parameter will be consumed by the function and further use after the function is called is invalid.

  • Function inputs should pass by reference (not by constant reference), to indicate that the parameter is an input-output parameter. The number of parameters of this type should be minimized.

  • Only primitive types should be passed by value; all other more complex types should be passed by reference, constant reference, or by pointer. If for some reason you DO pass a non-primitive type by value, the doxygen function header should clearly explain why.

  • std::shared_ptr should be passed by VALUE to a function when the function is going to take a copy and share ownership, and ONLY then.

  • Pass std::shared_ptr by & if the function is itself not going to take ownership, but a function/object that it calls will. This will avoid the copy on calls that don’t need it.

  • const std::shared_ptr<T>& should be not be used–use const T* to indicate non-owning access to the managed object.

  • std::unique_ptr should be passed by VALUE to a “consuming” function (i.e. whatever function is ultimately going to claim ownership of the object).

  • std::unique_ptr should NOT be passed by reference, unless the function needs to replace/update/etc the object contained in the unique_ptr. It should never be passed by constant reference.

  • Raw pointers should be used to express the idea that the pointed to object is going to outlive the function call and the function is just going to observe/modify it (i.e. non-owning access). Note that (possibly const) non-owning access can also be expressed via a reference; however, this can lead to null pointer dereferences in the conversion to reference. It is better if something is a pointer in parent function that non-owning access is conveyed to the child function also with a pointer. The “is this null or not” check needs to be done regardless.

  • const parameters should be declared before non-const parameters when possible, unless doing so would make the semantics of the function not make sense.


  • Aliases and using: using namespace aliases can make references to stuff in a nested namespace from another nested namespace much easier to write and clearer to grok. However, the following restrictions apply:

    • Do not use using namespace foo in a header file.

      Rationale: You are polluting the global namespace with whatever is in namespace foo, which can lead to headaches for you and other developers in the future.

    • Do not use using namespace std ever.

      Rationale: Requiring std:: for all things referenced in a given file makes it clear when you see a symbol without a preceding :: that said symbol is visible in the current namespace/scope, rather than being something from the standard library.

  • All classes/definitions/whatever which are internal to a module should go in a detail namespace.


    • Makes the intent of the code clearer to readers and future developers touching a module by indicating “anything under here shouldn’t be needed outside the module–if you use it you are asking for trouble”.

    • This is the convention used by many open-source libraries: clang, boost, etc.


  • Prefer alignas over __attribute__((aligned(...))) when using C++11 or later in nearly all cases.

    Rationale: One is a compiler extension (granted, one supported by most major compilers), and one is standard. There are some subtle differences between them, and cases where you can use one and not the other, but they are rare.

  • #define for literal constants should be avoided. constexpr values in an appropriate namespace should be used instead.

    Rationale: Pollutes the global namespace.

  • Prefer forward declarations to #include class definitions in .hpp files.

    Rationale: Improves compilation times, sometimes by a LOT.

    Important caveats:

    • Never forward declare symbols from std::–it is undefined.

    • Never forward declare symbols in a source file–just #include the needed header.

  • Use spaces NOT tabs.

  • Always use strongly typed enums (class enums) whenever possible; sometimes this is not possible without extensive code contortions.


    • Helps to avoid name collisions.

    • Helps to avoid accidentally passing e.g., an int where a float is expected.

  • When testing ==/!= with a CONSTANT, the constant goes on the LHS.

    Rationale: If you mistype and only put a single = you’ll get a compiler error rather than it (maybe) silently compiling into a bug. Most compilers will warn about this, but what if you have that warning disabled, or are using an older compiler which doesn’t emit it?

  • Non-const static variables should be avoided.

    Rationale: These are global variables with file scope, and global variables generally=bad. They increase binary size, and lead libraries/applications to hold state in surprising ways. Better not to, unless it can’t be avoided (e.g., to provide a UART driver in a bare-metal application).

  • Class nesting should be avoided, unless it is an internal convenience struct to hold related data.

  • Don’t use // style comments–use /* */ style comments.


    • Forces you NOT to put stuff at the end of a line where it is more likely to hamper readability/be missed by the reader.

    • Improves readability because they are symmetric.

  • When a /* */ style comment is over one line, format it symmetrically, like so:

    /* A one-line comment */
    int a = 4;
     * A much longer comment that is easier to read because it is symmetrically
     * written.
    int b = 7;

    Rationale: Improves readability.

Identifier Naming

General Guidance

  • Never include the datatype or units in the name of anything.


    • Linus was right–it is brain damaged.

    • It makes refactoring more work.

    • You don’t actually prevent yourself from passing e.g., a float containing a value in cm to a function which contains a value in meters–just make it less likely. If you find yourself wanting to use Hungarian-esque notation use Strongly Named Types instead–the compiler will enforce type/unit correctness for you.

  • The namespace name for a class is the same as where it can be found in the directory hierarchy under include/ or src/. For example, if class foobar{} is in ns1::ns2, then foobar.hpp will be in include/<project_name>/ns1/ns2 and foobar.cpp will be in src/ns1/ns2.

    Rationale: Makes it MUCH easier for people to find where stuff is in the code.

    The one exception to this rule is if something is in include/x/y/common/z or src/x/y/common/z; common may be omitted from the namespace. This is a necessary concession to make building mutually exclusive components in a library which share some common code easier.

  • Namespace names should NEVER contain multiple concepts; therefore, namespace names should never contain underscores, under the naming convention below.

  • Don’t use smurf naming: When almost every class has the same prefix. i.e., when a user clicks on the button, a SmurfAccountView passes a SmurfAccountDTO to the SmurfAccountController. The SmurfID is used to fetch a SmurfOrderHistory which is passed to the SmurfHistoryMatch before forwarding to either SmurfHistoryReviewView or SmurfHistoryReportingView. If a SmurfErrorEvent occurs it is logged by SmurfErrorLogger to ${app}/smurf/log/smurf/smurflog.log. From here. Note that this does not apply to classes with common postfixes; e.g., battery_sensor, light_sensor, etc.

    Rationale: Hampers visibility.

Coding Construct Naming

A simple taxonomy for naming conventions applied to code in any language has two axes: categorical and functional.

A categorical naming convention is intended to help code readers disambiguate between the various coding constructs present in a language; in C++, that is between things like classes, local variables, namespaces, etc.

A functional naming convention is intended to help readers disambiguate between different aspects of code from a functional point of view, independent of what coding construct is used. For example, one grouping in a functional naming convention might be mathematical constants; in C++, a functionally targeted naming convention would use the same naming scheme for macros, class constants, etc. which all represent numbers.

In this style guide, we use a blend of these two axes/paradigms, and choose whichever improves readability the most, tending towards functional.

Categorically Differentiated Coding Constructs


Classes are arguably the most important coding construct in C++, so we define their naming scheme first, and use a categorical naming scheme.

  • Namespaces are often used far from the site of their declaration via namespace foo {...}; their usage is disambiguated from variables, enums, macros, etc. by the scoping operator ::.

  • Classes and structs can also use the scoping operator, so if namespaces have a different naming convention they will be at-a-glance differentiable from classes and structs.

  • It is reasonable to argue that when you see Foo::Bar in code, you shouldn’t actually need to know if the scoping operator is being applied to a class, struct, or namespace, and that what is important is the operations that the scoped thing (Foo in the above example) has–it doesn’t matter what it’s type is; this is a functional view. This is the style preferred/used by major open source libraries such as Boost.

  • Namespace names should NEVER contain multiple concepts; therefore, namespace names should never contain underscores, under the naming convention above.

Template Types

Are only ever encountered in header files, and therefore near the point of their declaration.

Local variables

Local variables are the most common coding construct encountered when reading C++ code, so readability is paramount.

Member Variables

  • Member variables are often encountered far from their original declaration, unlike local variables.

  • Member variables should be made const whenever possible to improve correctness by construction, and expressing programmer intent to this effect via naming convention is therefore important.

Global Variables

Should not be encountered often in the code, as their usage is minimized.

Enum Names

Enum values are usually encountered singly in the code, so the naming convention must support at-a-glance uniqueness in reference to other similar types of constants such as macros and #defines. In addition, enum values are commonly encountered in tandem with class, macro, enum, and namespace identifiers, and so must be at-a-glance distinct in their naming convention from those other identifier types.

  • Macros are substituted by the preprocessor before the compiler runs, so avoiding unintended substitutions is paramount.

  • Macros are distinct from #defines because they take arguments.

  • Usage of #defines should be minimized, as noted elsewhere in this guide.

  • Most #defines refer to mathematical constants, but not all.

Additional Functional Naming Considerations

All guidance in this section is complementary to that in the previous section, and should not conflict with it. If you find a situation that does, then this style development guide has “bug”.

  • All mathematical constants (#define or otherwise) (e.g. ints, doubles, etc) should be kSPECIFIED_LIKE_THIS: MACRO CASE + a preceding k.

    Rationale: This makes them easier to identify at a glance from global variables, macros, and enums, improving readability.

  • All static class constants (you should not have non-static class constants) that are anything other than a mathematical constant should be kSpecifiedLikeThis: Upper CamelCase + a preceding k.

    Rationale: Improves code comprehension when read, because it makes it clear that a given constant is NOT a number, but something else.


    We exclude static members from consideration here because how they are used is generally more useful for improving code comprehension than knowing that a given member is static.

Composite Coding Constructs

Design Patterns

Incorporate design patterns into your code explicitly whenever possible. That is, if you’re going to use the decorator pattern, instead of just having a member variable and wrapping/extending functionality as needed, inherit from a decorator<T> class. Important design patterns you should be aware of (google for examples/explanations):

  • Decorator

  • FSM

  • Factory

  • Prototype

  • Singleton

  • Visitor

  • Observer

  • PIMPL - This one is dispreferred, because it is easy to abuse as a “cure” for many dependency problems which are better solve by a clean interface + implementation + factory). It is still allowable, and can be useful in some situations with careful design.

Rationale: Improves readability and makes the intent of the code/programmer much clearer, and having reuseable template classes for common design patterns greatly reduces the risk of bugs in your usage of them.

Strongly Named Types

Basically, instead of passing literals around, you create a super simple class wrapper around say an int32_t which:

  • Must be explicitly constructed–the implicit single-parameter constructor is disabled.

  • Only supports the operators that you define (i.e., no +,-,/,copy, etc).

From here.


  • It makes it much harder to pass a semantically mismatched value to a function (e.g., the function takes a double which represents m/s, but you pass a double in cm/s).

  • It forces you to design semantically consistent interfaces.

The compiler should be able to optimize away the wrapper you provide in many cases anyway, so it costs very little to no performance to use strongly named types (see https://www.fluentcpp.com/2017/05/05/news-strong-types-are-free/ for details).

Interlocking Interfaces

One of the most powerful ways to ensure that a code implementation of a design is logically and semantically consistent is to liberally use pure interfaces. Everything in this section supports the Abstraction Principle.That is:

  • Writing pure abstract classes (i.e. those which only contain pure virtual functions) which embody concepts which you want your classes to adhere to. For example, you could create a Stringizable class with a single to_str() function returning a std::string which all classes you want to have a string representation for inherit from.

    You don’t have to create such a structure in order to string-ize classes, but doing so makes programmer intent much clearer, and reduces the chances of obviously “bad” things/code smells making their way into the code in more complex situations, because the compiler will not be able to correctly deduce something in a given context.

  • Your classes should mostly consist of override calls to pure virtual functions for interfaces you have inherited from.

Structuring your code using interlocking interfaces has some important benefits:

  • Use of interlocking interfaces encourages use of the strategy design pattern, because classes can manipulate pointers/references to abstract interface classes, which will naturally call the implementations in whatever pointed to/referenced object the interface handle refers to.

  • Coupling between classes is reduced, because they interact/interface (ha!) via indirect handles (i.e., references/pointers to the abstract interface classes). That is, if a downstream client class Bar has a pointer to an FooObserver abstract interface class, then Bar can only access FooObserver through the virtual methods–no other member variables, functions, etc. are defined. This is one of the key aspects of this approach to class design which makes things interlocking.

  • Compile times are improved, because references/pointers to simpler, abstract interface classes are passed around instead of pointers to implementation/base classes, resulting in fewer, less complex #include statements.

  • It encourages developers to think in terms of interfaces–how a class interacts with the outside world–rather than implementation–how it accomplishes whatever its task is.

  • It encourages developers to think about code from a reusable building block perspective: defining common concepts/interfaces reusable across modules.

  • It helps to develop large designs that “hang together”, through definition and use of some number of key concepts uniformly (expressed via abstract interface classes) throughout.

A few additional notes:

  • There are performance implications for excessive use of virtual functions, but compiler optimizers are very good, so it is best to default to always using them, and only choose not to use them for “hot” classes after measuring and profiling.


Code should pass the google C++ linter, ignoring the following items. For everything else, the linter warnings should be addressed.

  • Use of non-const references–I do this regularly. When possible, const references should be used, but sometimes it is more expressive and self-documenting to use a non-const reference in many cases.

  • Header ordering (this is done by clang-format, as configured).

  • Line length >= 80 ONLY if it is only 1-2 chars too long, and breaking the line would decrease readability. The formatter generally takes care of this.

Code should pass the clang-tidy linter, when configured to check for readability as described in Identifier Naming.

  • All functions less than 100 lines, with no more than 5 parameters/10 branches. If you have something longer than this, 9/10 times it can and should be split up.



  • All namespaces should be documented with at least a \brief in one, and EXACTLY one place; rely on developer IDEs to show the relevant documentation when visiting “undocumented” declarations of a namespace.

    Rationale: Duplicating the same namespace documentation everywhere is ripe for copy-paste/refactoring errors, and adds to developer cognitive load without buying you much.


All classes should have:

  • A doxygen brief

  • A group tag

  • A detailed description for non-casual users of the class


  • For important/tricky/nuanced logic, document the why of it, not the how–developers can figure out the how if they really want/need to. The why is much more important so (a) they can understand your code and (b) they are not tempted to change it to something else because they like it better–there was a good reason you did the tricky bit in this way, after all.

  • All non-getter/non-setter member functions should be documentated with at least a \brief, UNLESS those functions are overrides/inherited from a parent class, in which case they should be left blank (usually) and their documentation be in the class in which they are initially declared (doxygen can pull this in for you).

  • All non-obvious parameters should be documented, including if they are [in] or [out]. Obvious parameters don’t need to be documented, and shouldn’t be documented if doing so doesn’t add value. E.g., documenting a parameter named params by saying “The function parameters”.


    If you choose good function + parameter names, AND your functions are small and do exactly one thing, you won’t need to document the parameters in many cases.

    Rationale: Helps with ordering function parameters with outputs being before inputs.

  • All documentation should be in the function header–don’t document individual parameters inline with ///> or ///.

    Rationale: Clean visual separation between code and comments/documentation makes it easier for developers to read/parse, and much easier to refactor if needed.

  • Tricky/nuanced issues with member variables should be documented, though in general the namespace name + class name + member variable name + member variable type should be enough documentation. If its not, chances are you need to refactor.

  • When documenting member variables, prefer the block style documentation comments to ///> or ///.


    • If you are documenting a member variable, it must be because it is “tricky” in some way, so a single line of inline documentation is probably not going to cut it.

    • Consistency in documentation style: reduces cognitive load by using the same block comment style for everything.


We break testing down into the following categories, each detailed in subsections below.

  • Unit testing

  • Integration testing

  • System testing

  • Acceptance testing

Unit Tests

  • All NEW classes should have unit tests associated with them, when possible.

    Rationale: Legacy code you touch for a given task might be difficult/intractable to write unit tests for in its current state. But NEW classes should always adhere to good practices.

  • One test case for each major public function that class provides; may be more/less depending on the class.

    Rationale: Having one test case/public function makes it easy to write modular unit tests which can easily be extended as needed in the future.