The Transparency Principle: Minimizing Hidden Dependencies Between Classes

Backgound And Formal Definition

Assume A and B are classes, interfaces, or packages. A depends on B if changes to B could cause changes to A. Formally A << B. In UML:

| B |
| A |

Dependency is reflexive, so A << A. Dependencies are also transitive, so A << B and B << C implies A << C. When you think about this in terms of base/derived classes, it should make sense.

So what does it mean for A to depend on B, in terms of things in the code? Basically, does A reference B? Possible ways in the class interface include:

  • A extends or implements B

  • A has a field of type B

  • A has a method that references B

  • B appears as a template parameter in A (C++ only)

  • B is a friend of A (C++ only)

  • A references a B pointer, reference, or array

Even if there are no dependencies in the class declaration between A and B, in the implementation, you can still have a dependency. Consider a method A.m which references B if:

  • B appears in the signature of A.m

  • A.m has a local variable of type B

  • A.m uses a global variable of type B (C++ only)

If A references B, in any way, then A << B formally speaking. So, with that background in place, we now can consider the crucial question of “How can A come to depend on B even if all the things above are avoided?”. These “hidden” dependencies would definitely make A harder to understand, modify, and reuse.

We can now state the Transparency Principle in OOP:

Avoid hidden dependencies between classes. Formally: the dependency
relationship is no more than the transitive closure of the references
relationship between two classes A, B.

If we have A << B, this implies A references some C if C << B. The transitive closure of A:

TC(A) = { B | A << B }

gives us an idea of how much support A requires. In terms of graphs, the transitive closure is the graph which contains all edges {u, v} for which there are paths from u to v. In the above example, there is direct dependence via A -> B, and an indirect dependency via transitivity via A -> B -> C.

If A is a stand-alone class, then trivially:

TC(A) = { A }

Clearly, the larger TC(A) is, the harder it is to reuse, understand, or replace A.

We can extend the concept of dependence and transitive closure to objects in the obvious way:

TC(obj) = { x | obj << x }

For example, saving an object to a file or database, or sending this object to a remote object over a network will require saving or sending the entire transitive closure of that object. The size of the transitive closure–its encumbrance – is a crude measure of the required set of support:

encumbrance(A) = |TC(A)|

Aside: Bi-directional dependencies are possible; i.e. A << B AND B << A, to TC(A) might not be a tree. Strictly speaking, it’s a directed graph.

Coupling: Encumbrance In OOP

The concept of encumbrance can be rather abstract, so we explicitly connect it to OOP with the notion of coupling. coupling refines the notion of dependence by attempting to qualify and quantify the strength of the dependency of one class on another in an OOP context.

Assume A depends on B. If A and B are loosely coupled, only major changes to certain methods of B should impact A. If A and B are tightly coupled, then small changes to B can have a dramatic impact on A.

Although there is no precise way to measure how tightly an association couples one class to another, we can identify several common coupling “degrees”. For example, assume an E-commerce server keeps track of customers and the transactions they commit.

If a C++ Transaction class is a friend of the Customer class, we have:

class Customer {
   friend class Transaction;

Then Transaction is content coupled to Customer. Changes to the private members of Customer could impact Transaction. Declaring one class to be the friend of another tightens the coupling between the two classes.

Designing Minimally Coupled Classes

By necessity the classes you create in any non-trivial program will have to interact and depend on each other in some way if they are all working towards a common goal. If they don’t interact, perhaps what you have created is a set of reusable/generic functionalities instead. We are concerned with creating programs to accomplish a single task, so we consider that case. Short of totally uncoupled, we can achieve the loosest form of coupling by combining interface and message coupling, and so you should strive to write code with only those forms of coupling.

To help make your code adhere to the Transparency Principle and be loosely coupled, here are some simple guidelines to follow.

  • Minimize the number of arguments that class constructors or functions take. The more arguments, the greater encumbrance of the enclosing class/function.

  • Avoid direct references to classes via members, references, or pointers (C++ only) whenever possible. Prefer to rely on intermediate classes which handle communication between objects. For example, instead of requiring an object reference to attach/observe it, use a publish/subscribe framework where you instead attach/observer to objects by name or ID.

  • Minimize the size of classes and functions. The larger the size, the greater the chances that the enclosing class/function/namespace/package will have a large encumbrance.

  • Rely on the build/packaging system where possible to enforce module independence; C++’s Bazel is a good example of a build system which can do this.

  • Separate out functionalities into the smallest possible units; e.g., don’t put multiple classes in a single file. This helps to avoid inadvertent couplings.

  • Use design patterns (see OOP Design Patterns) to break dependencies between classes. Mediator, strategy, and factory are highly relevant here.